Androgyny Image

Androgyny Image


Androgyny Image


Androgyny Image


Androgyny Image



Androgyny Image


Androgyny Image




Androgyny Image


Androgyny Image


Confusion of Advanced Scrutiny

The characters here, some real people and some not, inhabit our lives through the many iterations of images and stories which are told about them. They may exist in the public imagination as beloved animated figures, great explorers and leaders or even archetypal villains. Perhaps their acceptance into cultural history depends not only on the universality of their stories, but their lack of clear gender specificity. The characters here exist in the imaginations of boys and girls, men and women on an equal footing since their appearance and to some extent, their exploits, are not confined to gender specific behavior. They can be used as examples of bravery, heroism or beauty by men and women alike.